Back in Sweden

The last days in Cádiz were fantastic! I weather turned better and I loved walking on the beach and in the old town and in the evenings eating tapas and drinking tinto de verano with friends. I'm pretty sure i will go back there some time, sooner or later!


When it was time to leave I was nervous about the trip, weater or not my luggage would be to heavy and about how I would be able to find my way in London. But everything worked out quite fine. I didn't have any place to stay in London and after finding the right bus and sharing a cab with a nice couple who were going in the same direction I came to Bayswater, a part of London witch I heard had a lot of hostels. It was not that easy beacause it was so late and I had to walk around the streets with my heavy luggage asking for available rooms and prices in different hotels and hostels. But after maybe an hour or so I found a hotel that could give me a discount since it was so late, so I only payed 20 pounds for a hotelroom with breakfast included. The next morning I found a hostel with a cheap shared room and I moved all my stuff before I went out to see London.



I started with a walk in Hyde park and Kensington gardens. Then I went back to the subwaystation and bought a ticket for all day. Trying to see all you want to see in London in one day is impossible, but I managed to see a lot of nice places. I accually payed the 17 punds to go up in the London Eye. I think it was a little bit expensive but it was nice to see London from above.



I also went to look at Camden town, Tower bridge and St Pauls Cathedral. It didn't take long before I was tired of the crowded touristplaces and the souvenirshops and I must say that I enjoyed the parks and small streets the most. Just walking there with Katie Meluas calm voice in my ears and enjoying all the new impressions without any stress. Still I was really tired when I ended my London-tour with a beer at a bar near Picadilly Circus.


Now I'm back in Sweden and I feel better than in a long time! Calm. Happy. Even though everything is not sorted out yet I don't worry so much. Everything will probably turn out well. I have the best family, the coolest friends and a lot of time to enjoy my life just the way it is right now!

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